Angry Emails

Have you ever sent a long, angry email? Yikes. 😬

Lots of us make this mistake early in our careers.

I am not a fan of long emails. I don't like them because it's often not the fastest way to convey a message.

I don't like that I could have connected with someone by voice and had an opportunity to build a better friendship. It's a terrible place to offload emotional burden. Even worse if it’s the weekend. 😅

As a reader, you’re battling disengagement as the message drags on.

Communication is a professional competency, but often our emotions get the best of us.

A couple of policies I try to employ:

1️⃣ Never hit send angry. 9/10 it does more harm than good.

2️⃣ Instead, write down why you're angry while it’s fresh and vent. You’re the only person who will see this, so let it all out.

3️⃣ Revisit the writing in 2-24 hours, and remember to be empathetic and think about your audience.

4️⃣ If you’ve got grievances, avoid the flourish and be concise.

An emotional email that you re-write several times should be a phone call.

It might feel good in the moment but most bridges don’t deserve napalm. We’re all people and relationships are important.


3 Interconnected Entities

